About Me

Hi, I am Subhash Shrestha Explorer, Cooking with love, Foodie, Enthusiastic programmer.I enjoy time spending with computer, this is the reason why I am inclined to learn programming deeply.Currently, I am on the journey to became a Full Stack Developer, flourishing my knowledge about usage modern web development tools, development process, learning programming languages usefulness. And set goal to achieve of writing reliable and effective quality code. When I'm not with my computer, at that moment I find myself cracking jokes with my friends.

  • Software Developer
    designing and developing program
  • Web Development
    Web app Development
  • Business Analyst
    investigation of Technical and non technical information
  • 2022 - Current
    Developer Programmer at Link4 Australia
  • 2022 - Current
    HousKeeping Services Assistant at Resthaven Inc.
  • 2019 - 2021
    Student Mentor at IIBIT
  • 2022
    Professional Year program from Australian Computer Society
  • 2021
    Fullstack Coding Bootcamp from University of Adelaide
  • 2019
    Master of Technology (Software Engineering) from Federation Univeristy Australia

My Work

Code quiz

Code Quiz, An online IT quiz challenge to see the how much knowledge you have about IT


Visualiser App, designed for health professionals and managers to help them make future decisions based on observation of numbers of diagnosis cases displayed on a chart, graph, and table.


CodeNoob, an Online Q/A Forum for novice coder

Contact Me


0466 175 693

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